“Somewhere in our lives, each of us needs a free space, a little psychic territory. Do you have yours?” 

- Gloria Steinem

What is Ceremony?

Ceremony offers space to pause and celebrate moments of transition, a time to acknowledge a rite of passage, a seasonal shift, a phase of the moon, an ending or beginning. If you would like to explore the potential of being held in ceremony then please be in touch and we can talk more.


  • Moon Circles

    Gathering together in a circle creates a pause in what can be a fast-paced life to feel seen, safe, heard, held, and witnessed. The phases of the moon offer a time just for that, reminding us that we too are natural, cyclical beings, just like the moon waxing, waning, ebbing, and flowing. In ancient times we gauged time by following the moon, all calendars were lunar. There are thirteen moon phases each year and with that in mind, this gives us thirteen opportunities to gather and reflect on our lives and hear the stories of others, through shared space and in the community that cultivates a sense of belonging and compassion in perhaps what might sometimes feel like an isolating world.

    Each circle is held in a container of agreements, this is a place not to fix or offer advice but to listen. What is said in the circle stays in the circle. This space is about you, so you can engage as much or as little as you feel, you may want to be vocal or you may want to just lie down and listen. Every gathering begins with a welcoming, grounding, and settling in meditation. Circles can include movement, craft, and a time to journal or the circle can be a place just to simply sit, listen and share.

    I host regular circle gatherings. Please visit my event page for updates.

    “... I really don't know quite how I'd have come out the other side without the balm of these monthly meetings. I am very grateful to Yolande and to the women who shared”

  • Blessing the Way

    Blessing the way, or mother blessing is a celebration of you and your pregnancy. It is a place to honour your journey so far as you prepare for the initiation of birth. This is a space where you are showered in love, wisdom and support surrounded by trusted and cherished family and friends, and these ceremonies are full of beauty, power and joy. Encouraging words of wisdom and reminders of how special you are, are shared to inspire, empower and encourage you as you step forward into parenthood. Blessingways are a reminder that you are not alone on this journey and that the love and support of all that have gathered to celebrate you are with you in spirit every step of the way.

    It is a total joy to be invited to create and hold space for this rite of passage. Please be in touch if you feel called to celebrate your pregnancy, infuse yourself in love and honour your approaching birth in this truly sacred and special way.

    “In the lead-up to the birth, she created the most beautiful Mother Blessing ceremony for my nearest and dearest to gather around me. This gave me so much strength for the birth”

  • Cacao

    Cacao is a plant medicine that I sit with each day in ritual as part of my daily practice. The cacao plant originates from Central and South America and it is chocolate in its purest form that contains serotonin, dopamine and anandamide. Cacao is a subtle but powerful heart opener that has been respected for thousands of years and is enjoyed best in ceremony and ritual.

    I source my ceremonial-grade cacao from Forever cacao and you can order your own through this link.

  • The Wheel of the Year

    The Wheel of the year honours the ancient celtic map of marking and honouring the changing seasons and the journey of the sun. The wheel is segmented into four fixed Quarter Points, Winter/Summer Solstice and Spring/Autumn Equinox and the Cross Quarter Points, Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lammas. Each festival has a seasonal ceremony and focus as a way of giving thanks, pausing and to reflect on what has come to pass and the seeds to plant for the future. The wheel is a reminder that we too are nature, that we too have seasons and a cycle and that it can feel reassuring knowing when to rest and when to flow. I host gatherings throughout the year to mark these seasonal shifts. Please visit my events page for updates.

Let’s Talk Ceremony

Book a Free Consultation

If you would like to explore the potential of being held in ceremony then please let me know what ceremony you are interested in and we can talk more.
